Thursday, February 24, 2011

I Sincerely Apologize for Sucking at Blogging

Sooooooo... The first week I was here my life was scheduled down to the minute (in military time) so I didn't have time to blog... then it got to the point were it had been so long I felt it wasn't necessary/dreaded it... but now it is to the point were I feel guilty... so I'm blogging again! =D

I will only be sharing the highlights because I despise writing! K great!


Day 1: 
I met my roomie about 10 min after I arrived.  Our first convo went something like this...
Scene (filling out paperwork...both in complete shock)
Paige: Did you forget your cell phone number!?
Me: Ehhh yup! Did you!?
Paige: (As she is looking hers up on her iphone) Yup! Here let me help you find yours on your iphone...
After that incident... I knew it was a match made in heaven :p

*side note: there was this huge fiasco becoming her roomie... basically I spent a day jumping thru hoops for Disney nbd.

Background on the roomie: She is from Huntington Beach, California (aka surf city USA). She is a freshman in college but you can't tell! She went to school in Hawaii last semester and hated it...weird. She has a twin.  Her dad is marrying Goldie.  Basically, she is the best roomie legit!

Our apartment is pretty BA.  There is a kitchen, living room, 2 bathrooms, and walk-in closets in each bedroom!  I live at Vista Way with 5 other girls (if you want my actual address to send me care packages and such please contact me! ... according to Barb... I should never post personal info online!)  I'm SUPER lucky because I honestly love all 5 of my roommates.  Three are from Puerto Rico and the other is from the states.  Claudia, Maria, and Sophia are from Puerto Rico.  I work at Typhoon Lagoon (Disney's water park) with Claudia.  We are both lifeguards.  They are all gorgeous and sweet.  I'll have to post a pic of all of us together.


I went thru the most intense lifeguard training of my life and can honestly say I know CPR for the first time ever! I had to watch a human-being drown... it was heart wrenchingly, stomach upsettingly AWFUL!  On the brightside, my trainers name was Sean Kidd and he was "the man".  He made the training fun/productive.  He did a lot of interesting drills with us to show us how important watching the water/our job is.  :)

Not long after I was here I tried out to be Tinkerbell but I'm too tall...DRAT! I'm never too tall for anything.

Currently, I'm being re-casted to Seven Seas Children Activities at the Grand Floridian and Polynesian Resorts.  Obvi I work with kids.  I get to throw tea parties at my new job and drive a pirate ship...Basically I will have the sweetest job EVER as soon as my background check is cleared.


While I'm here I will be taking a Disney Exploration Series class on Marketing.  There are 8 - 3 hr sessions while I am here.  During these sessions, different Disney executives come and talk about the Disney brand.  I feel it will be a good way to "get my foot in the door".  My class starts March 4th.


Seriously the BEST part.  I work four days a week, have class one day, and play two days.  I can get into any park... anytime... for free including parking.  So... I can just go at 9pm to watch the fireworks in Epcot or to dinner (I'm planning on eating around the world while I'm here) and leave right after.  Or I can wake up at early and stay all day.  It's awesome!  In addition to the parks, Daytona Beach is about an hour away if you hit traffic right (I went on the Saturday before the Daytona 500 = dumb!).  There is a mall less than 10 min from where I live, a starbucks across the street, a panera down the street, and a Target down the street the other direction... basically my life is smashing (please read that in a british accent).

Today with my day off I woke up at 11:30am, worked out, drove my roomie to work, laid by the pool, blogged, skyped, and am about to nap!

*Random side-notes:

The ABCs are currently visiting the Disney parks... Alaskans, Brits, and Canadians.

I got fingerprinted... interesting.  That is actually how I get into the parks.  I slide my Disney ID (aka my VIP card) into the machine and then get fingerprinted electronically so they know I'm legit.  If the green light flashes then I'm good to go!

P.S. At home my rents are doing some remodeling and building this garage/carriage house thing which means I GET A NEW ROOM.  Lars sent me an email with the drawing of what my new room/apartment is going to look like...AH I can't wait!

And finally... I booked a flight home (well to the ville) to celebrate my 21st birthday!!! YAY!

One more story... so one day I arrive home from work to see a firetruck sitting outside my apartment building... my initial reaction... oh crap! what did I forget to turn off... about this time it dawns on me that I never use heat for cooking so it probz wasn't my fault. :) What actually happened... a Brazilian hung a shirt on the sprinkler which triggered it causing all the apartments below her to flood.  Thankfully, my apartment was safe.  All of those tenants had to move out.  They have been doing construction ever since that minor catastrophe... awesome!